
Recycling service

Old furniture out of the way and into good use

New furniture is a delight and brings undeniable benefits, but then again, old furniture can pose a problem. Our recycling service ease your daily life, relieving you from old furniture-related burdens. The goal of our service is to act responsibly and minimise the environmental impact of the materials recycled. Almost all materials can be utilised. The amount of waste taken to landfills can be reduced by utilising the materials as recycled raw materials or in energy production.

We will take old furniture out of the way to make room for new furniture and save storage space

We will make sure everything is properly recycled

Our recycling service is
available across Finland.

Contact us for more information
on our recycling service!

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Full service based on the turnkey principle

Our services include installation, maintenance and recycling, as well as leasing financing and support for architects and design offices. We offer a comprehensive service solution allowing you to choose the package that best suits your site.