Haukilahti General Upper Secondary School

Punta Box Lockers Moved on to a New Class

Haukilahti General Upper Secondary School operates on the Aalto University campus in Espoo. A new kind of school solution supports new ways of learning and opens the school doors to networking and doing things together. The use of space becomes more efficient when the space is flexible and other surroundings can be utilized in the educational process.

Jarmo Keppola at Punta Oy sales says that schools and educational facilities being renovated need flexible and adaptable storage space for the students’ things. Steel box lockers are of rigid construction, staying well in place on stands of their own, so they can also function as room dividers.

For this school of 350 students, Punta LK4 box lockers were built into practical ensembles as follows: There are approximately 200 lockers and they are located in the first-floor foyer, the second-floor common room, and the third-floor multi-purpose educational facilities. The locking systems enable flexible locker use according to the place where students are studying at any given time.

The box lockers feature a Vecos smart locking system supplied by Punta. In the V2 system, each door has a reader. Each student’s remotely readable bus pass, issued by the Helsinki Region Transport Authority (HSL), serves as the key.

The Vecos lock is of the push-to-open type. Caretaker Tuukka Vepsäläinen observes that the system has been very practical and that it is easy for the students to leave their things in storage.

“Using the HSL card is plain and easy,” he says. “When the locker shows a green light, it is vacant. You show your card to the reader and the light starts to blink. Now you can open the locker by pressing with your finger. After placing your things in the locker, you close it and show your card to the reader again. Occupied lockers have a red light on.”

Thanks to this system, the school needs fewer lockers and less floor area for them.

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